Lab2 - Exploring the Stability of Mass Transfer
This lab will continue using the downloaded Lab1_binary
directory from Lab1 where we are modeling our system as a star + point mass. Let’s copy over the directory with a new name or redownload it from here: Lab1_binary,but make sure pgbinary_flag is set to true in inlist_project as we did in the introduction.
$ cp -r Lab1_binary Lab2_binary
In inlist_project
and make sure you are running in single star mode: evolve_both_stars = .false.
A complete solution to this lab can be found here: Lab2_solution
Science goal
The goal of this lab is to explore how binaries evolve depending on the companion mass and mass ratios $q\equiv M_2/M_1$. The aim is to see the diversity of stellar evolution when the star is in a binary. This lab will focus on identifying when mass transfer is stable or unstable in low and high mass ratio binary systems. This lab closely follows the 2022 MESA Summer School Maxilab provided by Pablo Marchant.
Bonus goal
Our bonus goal is to explore the impact of adopting a nonconservative mass transfer prescription on mass transfer stability.
When is mass transfer stable versus unstable?
Mass transfer in binary systems is often classified as stable or unstable. There is no universal definition for the stability, but it is often understood as follows.
Stable Mass transfer: When mass transfer proceeds in a controlled manner, without leading to dramatic changes in the system. The donor star loses mass at a rate that allows the binary system to remain bound and evolve over time. Typically, this results in a smooth and gradual transfer of mass.
Unstable Mass Transfer: This occurs when the mass transfer process leads to rapid and uncontrollable changes in the system. The donor star loses mass at a rate that destabilizes the system, typically considered to lead to a common envelope phase, where the envelope of the donor star engulfs both stars, or even to the merger of the two stars. This usually results in dramatic, often short-lived, evolutionary changes in the binary system.
Mass transfer rates can reach values as high as a solar mass per year. “Due to the limitations within MESA, as a code which models the donor star as a 1-dimensional object. For extreme mass ratios, the shrinkage of the orbit as mass transfer proceeds becomes extreme enough that the star cannot adjust itself through mass loss to avoid extreme overflow. In such a case the donor would very likely engulf its companion, initiating a process of common-envelope evolution which is fundamentally 3-dimensional. MESA being a 1-dimensional code cannot deal with such a situation, but rather tries to keep modeling this evolutionary phase as a stable mass transfer event with an ever increasing mass transfer rate, which eventually leads to numerical problems.” (MESA Summer school 2022)
Rather than attempting to approximate a common-envelope phase with MESA, we will simply construct a physical criterion to identify when an unstable mass transfer phase could start, and terminate the evolution at that stage. For this purpose we will consider the thermal and dynamical timescales of the the donor star.
Although there are ways to approximate a common-envelope phase with MESA, here we wish to simply construct a physical criterion to identify when an unstable mass transfer phase could start, and terminate the evolution at that stage. For this purpose, we will consider the thermal and dynamical timescales of the star:
\[\tau_{\text{thermal}} = \frac{GM^2}{RL}, \quad \tau_{\text{dynamical}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{G \langle \rho \rangle}}\]From these, one can define characteristic mass transfer rates:
\[\dot{M}_{\text{thermal}} = \frac{M}{\tau_{\text{thermal}}}\] \[\quad \dot{M}_{\text{dynamical}} = \frac{M}{\tau_{\text{dynamical}}}\]As a criterion to test for unstable mass transfer, we will check at the end of each timestep if the mass transfer rate $(\dot{M}_{\text{transfer}})$ exceeds significantly the thermal rate. This is indicative of the donor approaching a near-adiabatic behavior, leading to runaway overflow. In particular, we will require that
\[\dot{M}_{\text{transfer}} > 100 \dot{M}_{\text{thermal}}\]to terminate our simulation.
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For stable mass transfer, Ensure the model terminates at core Helium depeletion with the stopping condition: $X(^4\mathrm{He})\leq10^{-4}$ |
For unstable mass transfer, Let’s add a stopping condition which terminates the model when \(\dot{M}_{\text{transfer}} > 100 \dot{M}_{\text{thermal}}\). |
Implement this check in the function extras_binary_finish_step in run_binary_extras.f90 . |
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Don’t forget to remove the stopping conditions you set in lab1. |
Binary point parameters can be found $MESA_DIR/binary/public/
You can use the defined constant standard_cgrav . Compute both \((\dot{M}_{\text{thermal}})\) and \((\dot{M}_{\text{dynamical}})\) and print their values out. To convert them from cgs units to solar masses per year, you can use the constants Msun and secyer . |
The mass transfer rate is contained in b%mtransfer_rate . Bear in mind that it is defined as negative. |
Setting extras_binary_finish_step = terminate within the subroutine will terminate your simulation. |
Whenever you terminate a simulation in this way, it is ideal to print a message so the run does not just silently stop. |
Answers: Example stable/unstable mass transfer stopping condition
In inlist1
, ensure the following stopping condition is set:
xa_central_lower_limit_species(1) = 'he4'
xa_central_lower_limit(1) = 1d-4
Then add the following in run_binary_extras.f90
integer function extras_binary_finish_step(binary_id)
type (binary_info), pointer :: b
integer, intent(in) :: binary_id
integer :: ierr
real(dp):: mdot_th, mdot_dyn, avg_rho
call binary_ptr(binary_id, b, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then ! failure in binary_ptr
end if
extras_binary_finish_step = keep_going
write(*,*) "---------------------"
! check for unstable mass transfer
mdot_th = b% m(1)/(standard_cgrav*b% m(1)**2/(b% s1% L(1)*b% r(1)))
avg_rho = b% m(1)/(4d0*pi/3d0*(b% r(1))**3)
mdot_dyn = b% m(1)/(1/sqrt(standard_cgrav*avg_rho))
write(*,*) "check: mdot_therm, mdot_dyn", mdot_th/Msun*secyer, mdot_dyn/Msun*secyer
write(*,*) "abs(mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th", abs(b% mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th
if (abs(b% mtransfer_rate)>100d0*mdot_th) then
write(*,*) "Finish simulation due to high mass transfer rate"
extras_binary_finish_step = terminate
end if
end function extras_binary_finish_step
We will need additional information at the end of a run, as well as an additional termination condition. While exploring a grid with multiple physical variations, one thing that can happen is that the binary is too wide to undergo Roche-lobe overflow. So we want our run to report the maximum amount of Roche lobe overflow $(R/R_{\text{Rl}})$ when it terminates.
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In extras_binary_finish_step calculate the total time spent in Roche Lobe overflow at each time step by checking when b% r(1) > b% rl(1) and adding the current time step (b% time_step ) to b% xtra(1) . By default, b% xtra(1) is initiated at zero. |
In extras_binary_finish_step store the value of $(R/R_{\text{Rl}})$ in b% xtra(2) if it exceeds the value of b% xtra(2) . By default, b% xtra(2) is initiated at zero, so in this way, you will keep its maximum value. |
In extras_binary_after_evolve include a write(*,*) "Check maximum R/R_Rl", b% xtra(2) line to output the maximum value achieved. The extras_binary_after_evolve subroutine is called once the simulation finishes. |
Answers: How to store time spent in RL overflow and max $(R/R_{\text{Rl}})$ condition
The implementation below also includes the the time spent in Roche lobe overflow and the stopping condition we implemented in the previous task.
In extras_binary_finish_step
integer function extras_binary_finish_step(binary_id)
type (binary_info), pointer :: b
integer, intent(in) :: binary_id
integer :: ierr
real(dp):: mdot_th, mdot_dyn, avg_rho
call binary_ptr(binary_id, b, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then ! failure in binary_ptr
end if
extras_binary_finish_step = keep_going
write(*,*) "---------------------"
! calculate time in yrs spent in rl overflow
if (b% r(1) > b% rl(1)) then
b% xtra(1) = b% xtra(1)+b% time_step
end if
write(*,*) "time spent in rl_overflow", b% xtra(1)
! calculate the max value of R/RL
b% xtra(2) = max(b% r(1)/b% rl(1), b% xtra(2))
! check for unstable mass transfer
mdot_th = b% m(1)/(standard_cgrav*(b% m(1))**2/(b% s1% L(1)*b% r(1)))
avg_rho = b% m(1)/(4d0*pi/3d0*(b% r(1))**3)
mdot_dyn = b% m(1)/(1/sqrt(standard_cgrav*avg_rho))
write(*,*) "Check maximum R/R_Rl", b% xtra(2)
write(*,*) "check: mdot_therm, mdot_dyn", mdot_th/Msun*secyer, mdot_dyn/Msun*secyer
write(*,*) "abs(mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th", abs(b% mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th
if (abs(b% mtransfer_rate)>100d0*mdot_th) then
write(*,*) "Finish simulation due to high mass transfer rate"
extras_binary_finish_step = terminate
end if
end function extras_binary_finish_step
In extras_binary_after_evolve
subroutine extras_binary_after_evolve(binary_id, ierr)
type (binary_info), pointer :: b
integer, intent(in) :: binary_id
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
call binary_ptr(binary_id, b, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then ! failure in binary_ptr
end if
write(*,*) "Check maximum R/R_Rl", b% xtra(2)
end subroutine extras_binary_after_evolve
The other thing we will need to add is a check on overflow. The Kolb scheme allows stars to overflow, with larger mass transfer rates happening at larger overflow. But if the radius of the star exceeds the orbital separation, there’s definitely something fishy happening!
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Add another termination condition that checks if the radius of the star exceeds the binary separation (use b%r(1) and b% separation ). |
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Remember this can be added in extras_binary_finish_step . Be sure to add a write(*,*) statement saying why the run finished! |
Answers: Add stopping condition for when radius exceeds separation
In extras_binary_finish_step
, add :
if (b% r(1) > b% separation) then
write(*,*) "Finish simulation due to radius exceeding separation"
extras_binary_finish_step = terminate
end if
should now look something like this:
integer function extras_binary_finish_step(binary_id)
type (binary_info), pointer :: b
integer, intent(in) :: binary_id
integer :: ierr
real(dp):: mdot_th, mdot_dyn, avg_rho
call binary_ptr(binary_id, b, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then ! failure in binary_ptr
end if
extras_binary_finish_step = keep_going
write(*,*) "---------------------"
! calculate time in yrs spent in rl overflow
if (b% r(1) > b% rl(1)) then
b% xtra(1) = b% xtra(1)+b% time_step
end if
write(*,*) "time spent in rl_overflow", b% xtra(1)
! calculate the max value of R/RL
b% xtra(2) = max(b% r(1)/b% rl(1), b% xtra(2))
! check for unstable mass transfer
mdot_th = b% m(1)/(standard_cgrav*(b% m(1))**2/(b% s1% L(1)*b% r(1)))
avg_rho = b% m(1)/(4d0*pi/3d0*(b% r(1))**3)
mdot_dyn = b% m(1)/(1/sqrt(standard_cgrav*avg_rho))
write(*,*) "Check maximum R/R_Rl", b% xtra(2)
write(*,*) "check: mdot_therm, mdot_dyn", mdot_th/Msun*secyer, mdot_dyn/Msun*secyer
write(*,*) "abs(mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th", abs(b% mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th
if (abs(b% mtransfer_rate)>100d0*mdot_th) then
write(*,*) "Finish simulation due to high mass transfer rate"
extras_binary_finish_step = terminate
end if
if (b% r(1) > b% separation) then
write(*,*) "Finish simulation due to radius exceeding separation"
extras_binary_finish_step = terminate
end if
end function extras_binary_finish_step
Make sure to compile before running.
$ ./mk
$ ./rn
After making these changes we want to run our model to see if it triggers the condition. Also, we want to see how the thermal timescale compares to the dynamical one.
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If you are having difficulty completing any of the previous portions of the lab, you can download the complete solution run_binary_extras.f90 and paste it into your ./src directory. |
Having physical termination conditions to capture regions where MESA cannot properly model an evolutionary phase can be very valuable. It helps avoid the production of spurious results, and also avoids simulations from getting stuck into situations where timesteps become extremely small and simulations could in principle run for years without completing. This can be a big issue when running a large number of simulations in a cluster, potentially leading to a significant waste of resources.
Before running the model, adopt the following &binary_controls
in inlist_project
m1 = 15d0 ! donor mass in Msun
m2 = 6d0 ! companion mass in Msun
initial_period_in_days = 2d0
Now, we will run the model to test our termination condition. As before, for this, we need to execute the below commands in the terminal
$ ./clean
$ ./mk
$ ./rn
Your model should terminate roughly around model number 108 and return the following stopping condition
time spent in rl_overflow 53519.224932096622
Check maximum R/R_Rl 1.0412387352806036
check: mdot_therm, mdot_dyn 1.2608621574877103E-005 28723.606276916689
abs(mtransfer_rate)/mdot_th 113.10883055244405
Finish simulation due to high mass transfer rate
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If you are having difficulty completing any of the previous portions of the lab, you can download the complete solution run_binary_extras.f90 and paste it into your ‘./src’ directory. |
Exploring a grid of mass transfer models with varying mass ratios
To explore the stability of mass transfer across various mass ratios and orbital periods. Let’s start by assuming fully conservative mass transfer, i.e. (mass_transfer_beta = 0.0d0
For this lab we will keep the Primary/donor mass fixed at m1 = 15d0
, do not adjust this mass. We will explore the binary evolution of our system with varying periods and mass ratios m2/m1
by modifying initial_period_in_days
and m2
. We will explore the following mass range $M_{2} = 1 M_{\odot} - 14 M_{\odot}$ and periods $P_\mathrm{orb} = 2$ days - 4096 days. We’ve discretized this parameter space in the following two tables:
Companion (accretor) Mass ( $M_{\odot}$ ) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Period (days) |
2 |
4 |
8 |
16 |
32 |
64 |
128 |
256 |
512 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
![]() |
In the Day 4 Massive Binaries Lab2, Google sheets, choose a period and companion mass and type your initials on the corresponding block. With inlist_project open, fill in your chosen values of Primary Mass and Period from the spread sheet. |
run your model, ./rn
When your model is finished running, fill in your block in the spreadsheet with the appropriate colors for Stable versus unstable and mass transfer type. |
The model should take less than 10 minutes to run on a 4 core machine, you can use this time to inspect and discuss differences between your models and those of the others at your table.
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1. What type of mass transfer does your system undergo? Case A, B, C? |
2. Is the mass transfer in your system stable or unstable? |
3. What is the approximate mass of the primary when the mass transfer phase ends? |
4. What is the approximate mass of the secondary (accretor) when the mass transfer phase ends? |
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To help in analyzing your model, you can try to make a movie of your &pgbinary diagram so you can watch the movie instead of re-running your MESA model. In your Lab1_binary directory you can execute the images_to_movie command to convert your saved &pgbinary pngs into a movie. Here is an example that produces a .mp4 movie named movie.mp4 . |
$ images_to_movie "png/*.png" movie.mp4 |
- Case A mass transfer
- Mass transfer from a core hydrogen burning star (main sequence star).
- Case B mass transfer
- Mass transfer from a core hydrogen depleted star (post-main sequence star).
- Case C mass transfer
- Mass transfer from a core helium depleted star.
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1. What are the qualitative differences between Case A vs B mass transfer? |
2. How does the mass ratio influence the stability of mass transfer and their outcome? |
3. We have ignored the effect of winds here. How do you think the evolution would change if we added winds on top of binary effects? |
If you have arrived here, you can pick another Mass and Period from the table or move on to Bonus 1!
Bonus 1: Nonconservative Mass Transfer
As in Lab1, try adopting the following nonconservative Mass transfer controls and re-run your model, then navigate to the Bonus 1 tab in the Day 4 Massive Binaries Lab2 tab in Google sheets.
$\alpha$ | $\beta$ | $\delta$ | $\gamma$ |
0 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 |
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Do your answers to any of the aforementioned questions change? Discuss with your group |